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Gold on the Launchpad—While Already at ATH

by Lobo Tiggre
Thursday, September 12, 12:00pm, UTC, 2024

With gold hitting new (nominal) all-time highs, the yellow metal has a lot more friends these days. Liberty and Finance's Elijah K. Johnson knows it was last fall when I said that my highest-conviction speculation for 2024 was gold breaking out again so he asked for an update. It's taken longer than I thought, but things are now playing out as I expected, which tells me there's a lot more upside ahead. We talked about my other favorite metals for this year as well: silver and uranium. Long-time readers will be familiar with my thinking, but this is my very latest take.




00:00 — Welcome (L&F sales pitch ; - )
01:30 — Recession
06:36 — Fed rate cut
12:48 — Mining stocks
16:55 — Silver update
20:05 — Uranium
26:23 — Independent Speculator


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