Louis James LLC Independent Speculator

Louis James, LLC is here to inform, educate, and enable action for an elite group of savvy investors—and those who wish to become such. Our goal is to achieve extraordinary gains for ourselves and those willing and able to take the risks and apply the discipline needed to speculate successfully.

Lobo Tiggre

Who We Are…

Lobo Tiggre (Louis James) was legendary speculator Doug Casey’s protégé at Casey Research for almost 14 years, until early 2018. He joined the Casey team in 2004. By 2007, he was writing and making investment recommendations in Casey’s flagship newsletter, the International Speculator. Now he brings his experience, his connections and his deal flow directly to you, without the barrage of marketing hype used by larger publishers.

For more than 19 years, we've been learning from world-class geologists and legendary speculators, inspecting mines and exploration projects, and delivered big investment wins to readers.
From recent war zones to remote jungles to high mountain tops, our quest for the highest due diligence standards in the world has taken us to 66 countries. So far…
Realized Gain
This is the current average of all completed trades in The Independent Speculator.
Report Card

Building A New Track Record

The average yearly gain reported by the International Speculator during Lobo's tenure (published by Casey Research in January of 2018), was 18.5%. See disclaimer for details.

We are now posting a new track record of all closed positions—no cherry picking—including evidence showing all fees and commissions. Interested parties are invited to monitor our results as they are achieved. Our clients, of course, have access to a completely transparent portfolio of all positions, including analysis of news and developments in near real time.

Learning Curve

School of Hard Rocks

The 18.5% average of past yearly gains includes the years of our founder’s early training at Casey Research, the crash of 2008, and the downturn for resource investments from 2011 to 2015. Not all years were winners, but some were quite successful, resulting in the average above. We are now ready to apply the lessons learned from the decades of investing experience of investing giants such as Doug Casey, Rick Rule, and others to seek to achieve even better results in the future.

Results are the first and most essential cornerstone of our business. That’s what we’re all here for, after all.

The Truth

“Louis James” Revealed

For the record, “Louis James” is a pen name our lead researcher adopted for his writing at Casey Research. His legal name, Lobo Tiggre, being a bit more exotic, was kept private. Indeed, Tiggre was advised against going public with his real name at the founding of Louis James, LLC.

But since integrity is another cornerstone of our business, keeping the truth from the public was not an option. Instead, we’re keeping the “Louis James” brand alive through our company’s name.

Due Diligence

Leaving No Stone Unturned

For those not familiar with Lobo Tiggre’s work, due diligence is its hallmark. Hence our Twitter handle, @duediligenceguy. He’s flown more than a million miles on behalf of Casey readers (with no way to count the miles on 4×4, horse, mule, and foot).

Now, undeterred by falling rocks in mines, rickety third-world aircraft, scorpions, malaria outbreaks, or worse, we will continue the “Louis James” tradition of going where others dare not tread to leave no stone unturned on behalf of our clients.

The Team

Experience Matters

Lobo Tiggre is one of the most experienced and diligent researchers on the planet.

Click here for a full Lobo Tiggre/Louis James biography.

Our in-house team includes passionate professionals with years of experience. Despite that expertise, we are always willing to check our premises, test our ideas, probe for fatal flaws, and make use of the expertise of others who can help up deliver the best results. To this end, we have a board of advisors consisting of some of the most knowledgeable, reputable, and successful people in our industry. These include: Doug Casey, Adrian Day, Ron Parratt, Moira Smith and more.

Click here to see the full board and their bios.

Respect, Not Spam

How We Do Business ...

Rather than insult your intelligence, we assume it.

We’re not aiming for mass market here. We’re not interested in trying to trick, or even convince large numbers of people to sign up. There’d be no point, since, honestly, most people are not suited to a service like ours.

Our clients are those few who understand the value of exhaustive research in the best speculative investment ideas on the market today. They find us, and we will make it worth their while if they join. Therefore, out of respect for your intelligence and the value of your time…

Our Pledge

We will never inundate you with high-pressure sales gimmicks.
Our communications will be as low-volume, relevant, and accurate as possible.


Joining is your first speculation with us

Up front, our clients need to understand that our typical speculation takes at least a year to mature. That’s why we encourage one-year subscriptions. However, we understand that a year’s payment up front is a lot to ask of those unfamiliar with our work, so we also offer a quarterly option to The Independent Speculator. Our My Take service has monthly and yearly options. All subscriptions renew automatically until cancelled, except for the yearly subscription to The Independent Speculator, which must be renewed by the client every year. (Don’t worry; we’ll send reminders.) All clients who renew any subscription are grandfathered against future price increases.

There are no refunds. Here’s why:

  1. It takes a great deal of time, work, and expense to come up with great speculations. Once we give you our ideas, you
    can’t un-know them, can’t give them back.

  2. We aren’t looking for people who want to “kick the tires.” We aren’t interested in offering “free trials” or other sales gimmicks. Unlike others who shotgun their sales pitches at the masses, we’re aiming for an elite audience that already knows the value of our kind of work.

Note that we reserve the right to cancel service—with no refund—to anyone who forwards our copyrighted material to others. Sharing our work with non-clients hurts us and fellow clients who then face extra competition from others acting on the same information.

Our clients believe in the value of our work. They trust that we’ll do everything in our power to deliver value that’s many times greater than what they pay.

We are publishers, not financial advisors. We do not make any buy, sell, or other investment recommendations in any of our services. We do not offer, nor make any financial recommendations to individuals. We do tell clients what speculations we are making, and why, in our paid services. Clients then make their own decisions.


Speculator's Digest


My Take


The Independent Speculator

A free online educational service for investors who want to become top performing speculators.

Our no frills, high-impact introductory level newsletter provides action-enabling guidance on investments that interest our readers.

Subscription to The Independent Speculator newsletter, our flagship monthly service that provides actionable investment ideas, 24/7 market monitoring, and more.

Free digest with fresh investment-related news and ideas on a daily basis.

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Email Alerts

Free reports on investment ideas for speculators.

Searchable Database

Company News and Analysis

Honest, unbiased trend analysis

Books and More

The Go To List

Heads up on events, appearances, and other educational opportunities.

Free Access to Blog

Buy If You Dare List

"In The Pit" company grillings

Clients-Only Meetings

My Take Included

Field Trip Invitations

Priority Support

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Speculator's Digest

A free online educational service for investors who want to become top performing speculators.

Free digest with fresh investment-related news and ideas on a daily basis.
Free reports on investment ideas for speculators.
Honest, unbiased trend analysis
Heads up on events, appearances, and other educational opportunities.
"In The Pit" company grillings
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My Take

Our no frills, high-impact introductory level newsletter provides action-enabling guidance on investments that interest our readers.

Requests for coverage
Searchable Database
Books and More
Free Access to Blog
Clients-Only Meetings
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The Independent Speculator

Subscription to The Independent Speculator newsletter, our flagship monthly service that provides actionable investment ideas, 24/7 market monitoring, and more.

Field Trip Invitations
Email Alerts
Company News and Analysis
The Go To List
Buy If You Dare List
My Take Included
Field Trip Invitations
Priority Support
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Got Questions?
We’re here to help. If you don’t see your question addressed below,
please visit our FAQ, or contact us.

$3,000 per year is comparable to other high-end newsletters. But The Independent Speculator is more than just a monthly magazine. For a near real-time feed of actionable data, analysis, and on-the-ground reporting, we see our service as a bargain. Hedge funds pay a lot more for due diligence like this. And a key feature is being alerted to our speculations (buy and sell notification and price targets) before we do put our own trades in.

Folks on a tighter budget, or who just aren’t sure yet, are welcome to try out our more affordable My Take service. It provides a good idea of what we can do for you.

The key issue is that our services can pay for themselves many times over. Are they “expensive”? Not compared to what they can deliver. This is the grown-ups table. Don’t pull up a seat unless you’re ready to get serious about making serious money.

No. Traditional Lifetime offers pull a couple years of revenue forward and append a so-called “maintenance” fee which is still a recurring subscription cost. We prefer to earn our customers’ business, and are highly confident we can do so year after year.

However, as long as any client stays subscribed, we pledge not to increase their subscription rates in the future. We believe we are facing a prolonged period of higher inflation rates. That means that a subscription that never increases results in a declining real cost over time. In a hyperinflationary scenario, our pledge to never increase prices for those who renew amounts to an almost free lifetime subscription.

Be that as it may, we think we should have to continue earning our renewals. Clients should never be taken for granted. Results must matter. That’s how we want to do business.

Financial publishers can give their readers investment ideas as long as they don’t give people individual investment advice. This is not a 100% clearly defined area of US law. Our way to stay well clear of any possibility of crossing the line is not to make any investment recommendations at all.

Instead, we tell readers of The Independent Speculator what we are investing in and why. Those clients can then do the same if they so choose. By sharing our actual speculative investments—not a theoretical “model” portfolio, but the actual trades and deals we make—we teach by example. Clients who follow our lead can make the same level of returns as we do.

Readers of My Take gain access to independent and unbiased analysis of equities of interest to our audience, including them. They too make their own investment decisions. Our take on any equities they happen to invest in—or avoid—can help them improve their success rate with their speculative investments.

All our clients understand that they make their own speculative investment decisions, which are their sole responsibility. Our goal is simply to help improve their results with relevant, independent analysis.

Think. Speculate.

Facts and insights to navigate the markets. Delivered FREE.

  • Free digest with fresh investment-related news and ideas on a daily basis.
  • Free reports on investment ideas for speculators.
  • Honest, unbiased trend analysis
  • Heads up on events, appearances, and other educational opportunities.

Forever Free subscription

  • Monthly Newsletter Subscription
  • Requests
  • Free Access to Blog
  • Books and More
My Take

$500 (SAVE: $100) for 1-year subscription

$50 for monthly subscription

  • Field Trip Invitations
  • Free Educational Media
  • Free Access to Blog
  • Books and More
  • Monthly Newsletter Subscription
  • Conference Invitations
The Independent Speculator

$3,000 for 1-year subscription

$1,000 for quarter subscription